General Commands


Staff member
Jul 19, 2019
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All the servers have commands given to their normal users (Non Donators / Staff) by default.
So here we're going to check some commands. Some of these commands aren't available in minigames servers. However you can still see a list of the commands in any servers using /help

  • /spawn - Teleports you to server's default spawn location.
  • /msg /m /tell /t /whisper /pm <name> <message>- Privately messages a player. (However staff can still see everything. Each commands, Each Messages, Each Blocks destroyed, Each Blocks placed, Each Signs placed and destroyed, Each texts on signs, each texts on books and maybe each movement in the future? Who Knows?)
  • /sethome - Set your own private home.
  • /delhome - Deletes a specified home.
  • /home - Teleport to the home you set.
  • /seen <name> - Checks someone online/offline stats.
  • /tpa <name> - Send a teleport request to a player.
  • /tpahere <name> - Send a teleport request to a player to teleport to you.
  • /tpaccept - Accepts the last teleport request sent by a player.
  • /tpdeny - Denys the last teleport request sent by a player.
  • /warp /warp - Shows a list of the commands that you have permission to teleport to them and available in the server.
  • /warp <name> - Teleports to a warp.
  • /homes - Shows a list of the homes that you have set.
  • /time - Shows the server current minecraft time.
  • /itemdb - Shows information about an item you're holding in your hand.
  • /helpop - Sends your message to a special channel for only operations. (Not really used..)
  • /rules - See a list of rules for the server
  • /getpos - See your current Location.
  • /kit /kits - Shows a list of kits that you have permission to d them and available in the server.
  • /kit <name> - Receive a kit from the server.
  • /ping - pong (No seriously? It was used to see if your chat is delayed so you can see if you're lagging. But some server shows the real pings to you. Your own pings)
  • /ignore <name> - Ignores the specified player messages and private messages to you. (You must do the command on the right name again to unignore the player)
  • /hat - Puts the block you're holding on your hand on your head...
  • /fly - Flys you... What did you expected?
  • /gms /gmc - A shortcut command to /gamemode survival and /gamemode creative.
  • /money /bal /balance - Shows your current money.
  • /list - Shows a list of players playing in the server.
  • /suicide - Kill Yourself! (No longer works for version 1.9 and above)
  • /ah /shop - Opens an GUI shop. (Not same for all the servers)
  • /sell - Sells the items available in your inventory.
  • /clear /ci - Clears your inventory.
  • /pay <name> <amount> - Pay money to someone.
  • /feed - Feeds you. ye... ofc.. kills... ofc it feeds you.
  • /heal - Heals + Feeds + Removes All Effects
  • /baltop - Shows a list of the richest players.
  • /afk - Sets your stats as AFK. In /list and in private messages.
  • /repair /fix - Repairs the item you're holding in your hand.
  • /repair all /fix all - Repairs all the broken items in your inventory including armor slots.
  • /invsee <name> - View someone's inventory.
  • /god - Toggles the god Mode. You can't be harmed. But without fly and creative.
  • /exp - Shows your current XP stats.
  • /op - You can take over with... wait no... negative... I don't think so... naaah.
Note: As all the servers doesn't have the same permission as each other I decided to put most general and known commands. Adding more soon of possible.
Note: Some commands doesn't do the same if you write it however you wanted.
/REGISTER isn't same as /register
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